Personal Injury Lawyer Silver Spring, MD

Safe Driving Tips for National Traffic Awareness Month

A blue car and a black car involved in a rear-end collision, with significant damage to the front of the black car and the rear of the blue car.

Silver Spring, Maryland car accident lawyer explains how to stay safe on the road

This month is National Traffic Awareness Month, an annual event designed to educate drivers about the dangers they face every day on the road. Sadly, many car accidents never should have happened in the first place due to negligent driving behaviors.

"National Traffic Awareness Month aims to shed light on the safety rules that can help prevent major or minor accidents from taking place," according to a National Today news story about the annual event.

So, what are the common causes of car crashes? How bad are car accidents in Maryland? Are they getting worse? And what can drivers do to prevent car accidents and to keep everyone safe? A Maryland car accident attorney at Goldberg Finnegan explains.

What are common causes of car accidents?

Every year, car accidents occur for many of the same reasons. According to Zero Deaths Maryland, which seeks to reduce car accident fatalities in the state to zero deaths, some of the most common causes of collisions include:

  • Distracted driving. Including texting while driving, distracted driving resulted in 197 deaths on average per year in Maryland between 2019 and 2023.
  • Impaired driving. Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs accounted for 142 deaths each year on average in Maryland during the same five-year period.
  • Speeding. Speed-related crashes took the lives of 91 people per year statewide during the same time.
  • Aggressive driving. This behavior resulted in 42 deaths annually between 2019 and 2023.

How many car accidents occur in Maryland?

The short answer? A lot of car crashes. On average, 107,869 car accidents occurred annually in Maryland between 2019 and 2023. That's one accident every 4 minutes and 52 seconds. While many of those car accidents were property damage accidents (78,728 each year on average), many people were seriously injured or died in collisions as well. Specifically, 28,605 car accident injuries and 535 fatalities occurred annually between 2019 and 2023.

Are car crashes becoming more common in Maryland?

The numbers are clear – car accidents are on the rise in Maryland. In 2023, the number of car accident fatalities was 577. That's the highest number of motor vehicle fatalities in the state in more than a decade, according to accident data collected by Zero Deaths Maryland and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Before 2023, some of the highest annual car accident death tolls in the state were recorded in the previous three years in 2020 (546 deaths), 2021 (524 deaths), and 2022 (534 deaths).

What are some safe driving tips to prevent car crashes?

While all these numbers are alarming, the good news is there are steps drivers can take to prevent car accidents from happening in the first place. Some of the best safe driving tips include:

Put down your phone

Distracted driving, including activities like texting, talking on the phone, eating, or adjusting the radio, is a leading cause of accidents. Keeping your attention fully on the road can significantly reduce the risk of crashes.

Slow down

Speeding increases both the likelihood and severity of accidents. Adhering to speed limits and adjusting your speed based on road conditions can help prevent accidents.

Maintain a safe following distance

Maintaining a safe following distance gives you more time to react to sudden stops or changes in traffic. The general rule of thumb is to keep at least a three-second gap between your vehicle and the one in front. This distance should be increased in poor weather conditions.

Never drive under the influence

Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs impairs your judgment and reaction times. Always use a designated driver or ridesharing service, or stay put if you are under the influence.

Take breaks when tired

Drowsy driving is as dangerous as driving under the influence. Fatigue slows reaction times and reduces attention. If you're feeling sleepy, find a safe spot to rest before continuing your journey.

Why should I hire a Maryland car accident attorney?

Car accidents might initially seem straightforward, especially if another driver is clearly at fault. However, many accident claims quickly become complicated legal cases. Why? Often, it's because the at-fault driver or their insurance company claims you caused the collision, which can prevent you from getting the compensation you deserve.

Our Maryland car accident lawyers at Goldberg Finnegan are skilled at navigating these complex legal situations. With years of experience handling complicated claims, we know how to build strong cases that get meaningful results for our clients. For instance, in one case, we secured a $4.975 million outcome for a wrongful death claim involving a car accident.

Put your trust in a law firm that prioritizes your needs. Contact us to schedule a free case evaluation with a Silver Spring car accident attorney you can count on in a crisis. We handle injury claims and lawsuits throughout Maryland.

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