Personal Injury Lawyer Silver Spring, MD

Teen Driver Fatalities Spike During 100 Deadliest Days in Maryland

A teenage girl with long dark hair is sitting in the driver's seat of a car, looking directly at the camera with a serious expression. She is wearing a blue plaid shirt over a white t-shirt. Her right hand is on the steering wheel, and her left arm is resting on the car door. The car window is rolled down, and the background shows a sunny day with green bushes and trees.

As school ends, teenage drivers face heightened risks on the road. Dubbed the "100 Deadliest Days" by AAA, the period from Memorial Day to Labor Day sees a concerning rise in car accidents involving teens aged 15 to 19, some of which tragically result in fatalities. In Maryland alone, from 2013 to 2022, 97 teens lost their lives in crashes during this period.

Why are teenage drivers more at risk of crashes?

Ragina Ali, a spokesperson for AAA Mid-Atlantic, explains that there are numerous reasons why teen driver crashes occur.

“The Triple-A Foundation did some research and found that speed in many cases is a factor, where teens are reported speeding within the last thirty days. Distraction is also a factor as well, but speed is certainly one of them,” Ali said in a statement.

Other common causes include:

Overestimating driving skills

Teen drivers often have a false sense of confidence in their driving abilities. This overestimation can lead to taking unnecessary risks, such as aggressive lane changes, tailgating, or driving in adverse weather conditions without the necessary caution.

Peer pressure to engage in reckless driving

Peer pressure plays a significant role in teen driving behavior. Teens may feel compelled to impress their friends by speeding, drag racing, or performing dangerous driving maneuvers, increasing the likelihood of accidents.

Impaired driving

Some teens may drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs, impairing their judgment, reaction time, and overall driving capability. This significantly raises the risk of crashes and severe injuries.

Lack of driving experience

Inexperience is a major factor in teen driver crashes. New drivers may not yet have the skills to handle complex traffic situations, unexpected obstacles, or the nuances of safe driving practices. Their lack of experience makes them more vulnerable to making critical mistakes.


Distractions such as texting, talking on the phone, eating, or interacting with passengers can divert a teen driver's attention from the road. Even a momentary lapse in focus can lead to devastating accidents.

Failure to wear seatbelts

Many teens neglect to wear seatbelts, which significantly increases the risk of injury or death in the event of a crash. Ensuring that both the driver and passengers are buckled up is crucial for safety.

Nighttime driving

Driving at night poses additional challenges, such as reduced visibility and increased fatigue. Teens, who may already be inexperienced, can find it particularly difficult to navigate these conditions safely.

Adverse weather conditions

Teens may lack the experience to drive safely in adverse weather conditions like rain, snow, or fog. These conditions require more cautious driving, which inexperienced drivers may not be fully prepared for.


Excessive speed reduces a driver's ability to react to sudden changes or obstacles on the road. It also increases the severity of collisions, making speeding a significant risk factor for teen drivers.

Not following traffic laws

Ignoring traffic signs, signals, and rules can lead to dangerous situations. Teens may fail to fully understand or respect the importance of these laws, leading to accidents.

Tips to prevent teen driver car accidents during the summer months

According to Ali, summertime brings a loss of structure and more freedom for teens, so it's crucial for parents to stay involved with their teens and model good behaviors behind the wheel. Here are some tips parents should consider to help keep teens safe on the road:

  • Practice safe driving habits yourself. Your teen is likely to mimic your behavior behind the wheel.
  • Set firm rules about speed limits, seatbelt use, and the number of passengers allowed in the car.
  • Implement a no-tolerance policy for texting or using a phone while driving.
  • Draft a parent-teen driving contract that outlines expectations and consequences for breaking the rules.
  • Restrict driving during nighttime hours, especially in the initial months after your teen gets their license.
  • Allow your teen to gradually gain driving experience.
  • Ensure your teen understands the life-saving importance of always wearing a seatbelt, no matter how short the journey.
  • Educate your teen about the risks of using a phone, eating, or engaging in other distracting activities while driving.
  • Restrict the number of passengers your teen can have in the car. More passengers can lead to more distractions.
  • Have open conversations about the dangers of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and set a zero-tolerance policy for such behavior.
  • Teach your teen the importance of adhering to speed limits and adjusting speed based on road conditions.

Hurt in a crash? Know your rights and contact a skilled Maryland attorney

Whether your teen was injured in a crash or you were hurt in a crash involving a teen driver, it's important to know your rights and take immediate action. Get help from an experienced car accident lawyer at Goldberg Finnegan in Silver Spring, Maryland.

Our legal team has a proven track record of helping crash victims and their families rebuild their lives and can guide you through every step of the legal process. We've helped our clients recover millions in damages, including more than $4.9 million to a family in a car accident wrongful death case.

We can fight to secure compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, property damage, pain and suffering, and death benefits. Don’t wait—contact us for a free consultation today so we can help you through this challenging time. We serve clients in Silver Spring, College Park, and nearby Maryland communities.

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